Friday, November 20, 2009

ku sanGka panas,tp uJan yg daTang

salam dan seLamat petang...

pg td aku tersadar kol 6.33 pg..
tp tak sedar mane coz aku tertdo balek..huhuhu..
sejuk giler pg neyh...
mendung tak ujan...
pastu aku bkak la laptop..
check ape2 yg patot...
owh...dak australia dah nk gerak sok...
pergh..awl giler....
bgs gak...g awl..balek awl..
aku tak tau ag g bile...
cam lame ag jer
takpe la..its ok...need more preparation b4 go..
nk wat pe ek ptg neyh?
bosan gile duk bilek jer...
nk gak g gym....
tu mst....
k la..
aku takde bnde nk kate ag...
nk chow dulu...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

seDikit kecewa

saLam dan seLamat petang

hari ney ujan spt biase..
tp tak lebat mane...
just duk kat bilek...korek idung...golek2 atas katil...
ramai dah member aku dah balik...
yg stay neyh saje nk ngade2 kat ump (tmasuk aku)...
pe ek aku nk tulis...
oh yer, aku bwu je pas check micropy aku...
pergh..aku rase...
peluang aku nk repeat paper neyh mmg tinggi...
giler ar...carry mark aku tak lepas 30 ag..
final jgn harap nk dpt 50..mmg hampeh!
aku just dpt tau yg 25 owg fail sbjek neyh...
maybe termasuk aku...huhuhu...
aku dpt rasekan jer...
tp yer kot...
huhuhu..sadis sungguh sem neyh...
nape la semakin hari semakin sunyi..
maybe prasaan aku je kot..
tp ye la...siyes..
dah tak cam dulu ag...
huhu..biarla...malas nk ingat ag...
k la....
aku nk melepakkan diri...
letih sungguh..huhu

Monday, November 16, 2009

deRita seLesai

saLam dan seLamat peTang

hari ney tanggal 16 sePtember 2009, aku dah berjaya
menyelesaikan kesemua paper ngan jayanye (sbnyer gagal)...
aku bley katekan final taun neyh begitu payah buat aku..
termasuk gak rakan seperjuangan aku...
gara-gara satu subjek, yg laen sume abes..hahaha
ok, aku citerkan satu persatu sepanjang ape yg aku blaja sem neyh..
klau tanak bace, ikot korang la k...
aku just nk share je ape yg berlaku sem neyh...

sem neyh aku amek 16 jam kdit je..
nampak sket tp blaja cam nk mati..
4 subjek consists 3 jam kdit..
so, klau gred aku rendah utk subjek 3 jam kdit neyh,
peratus utk pointer turun adalah tinggi...
sbb ade 2 subjek je yg 2 jam kdit...
english ngan engineering lab...

sem ney aku begitu teruk skali...
aku jd cam malas gile..
tak tau nape..
bukan terlalu rajen, tp bile nk start stdy,
otak aku trus blur n perasaan nk tdo begitu tinggi...
ngan beberapa masalah dalaman ag..
sampai bile aku nk cam neyh...
mmg terlalu saket..huhuhu...
tuHan, toLonglah haMba-Mu ini....

aku paling frust tyme paper miCropy...
bukan aku taK satu bende aku tak paham..
nk arapkan test?due2 test aku fail k!
takde bende nk dinilai utk selamatkan aku dr kegagalan..huhu..
projek plak tah pape...jadik n tak jd jer
pergh..trok ar...seb baek dah lepas..huhu

tyme paper eMt lak, aku ade gak tak dpt jwb..
nk score A, tp rase cam tak dpt jer...
jwb mengarot...
tah bende yg aku jwb...huhuhu..
takpe la...yg penting ok dr micRopy..

aku sbnarnye still ragu-ragu..
betul ke yg aku dpt join trip neyh?
rase cam tak percaye gak...
ye rezeki tuh dtg secara tibe2...
mmg tak sangka...
pas paper, aku check memo...
kluar result untk lawatan oversea...
name aku terseNarai...
aku akan pergi ke meSir tak lame ag..huhuhu...
tak sia-sia usaha aku nk mencube...
akhirnya dpt gak...
aku gak nk ucapKan tahniah kat member aku ag due owg..
yg same umah ngan aku, bAnchaa...
dye akan fly ke uS..
kwn sekelas yg laen,aFnan..
afnan plak kene g koRea...
pergh..mmg best sgt diowg neyh..
aku je kat tmpat panas...huhuhu...
tp takpe..
tu sume bakal jd kenangan aku nanti...

k la kawan2...
hari pun dah maghrib neyh..
aku nk mandi dulu...

Thursday, November 12, 2009


salam dan selamat petang

aku bwu jer abes paper BEE2223, miCroprocessor..
bapak ar, payah cam celake jer..
satu bende aku tak paHam soalan dye..
mmg tak paham lngsung..
nk je antar paper kosong..
tp melampau ar cam tuh...
aku buat td pun ntah betol ke salah...
aku sendri tak yakin...
mmg susah sgt...
first tyme dpt soalan yg begitu terok dlm idop aku..haha
aku rase mmg gagal paper td..
tp aku harap dijauhkan la...
aku tak sanggup nk amik balek..
amik 2 3 kali pun same gak..
tak paham mende..huhuhu...
mmg takde mud ar...

nape kan..
aku skrg rase dah tak same cam dulu...
nk jauhkan diri dr aku ke??

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

haTiku luka

salam dan selamat ptg (bwu bgn tdo)

akhirnye, aku berjaya gak diinterviewkan diri pas menunggu lebih kurang 4 far, ok la gak coz ape yg dato' tnc tnyer, aku jwb ngan begitu simple jwpan berbanding yg laen..hohohoh..gugup sket...biase ar...jumpe owg2 beso ney laen sket perasaannyer...dah la group aku paling ramai...dlm 7 owg..ofcoz dato pon bosan nk dgr jwpan yg pjg berjela..hehehe...hampeh ar diowg yg amik mase yg lame coz aku owg terakhir yg beliau tnyer...

about my language?hahaha...very bad so much..aku pon tak pasti ape yg aku yg aku ngarot..aku pun tak aku rase dye paham kot..hak3...k la, ney aku nk bg ape yg beLiau tnyer kat aku serta jWapan aku....

Dato tiMbalan Naib ceNselor-Tnc

ok adi, tell me about your self , your ambition and why do you want join this trip

(salam) and very good afternoon to dato and observer(ade 2 owg, sowg laki, sowg pompuan). My name is Adi Syafiq Bin Md Amir and all my personal detail i have stated at the resume. so, now, i want to tell about who am i..i am a good leader..i know i was born to be a leader...because, start from my family, i'm the olders from 4, as a big brother, i must keep on eye all my siblings to be a good person and i also must show them that i'm a good brother so that they can follow my step... as a part of hockey team player, i've been selected as a vice captain even i'm on sem 2...i help all my team to make sure they play safe and make sure all my team in higher discipline...without discipline, there is no matter to get win.
I wanna to be an engineer..ofcoz i also want to have my own consultant company..that's why i chose this universities to make my dream be reality...
why i want to join this trip? because this is my chance to see the other country. even though i live in my peaceful country, but i want to go outside to improve my self. look about their technology. there is something new for me so that, after that trip, i want to apply their technology into my psm project. i hope, it will help to improve our technology more better than before.

if you been selected to join this trip, what do you want to tell them about the malaysia

i tell them about the peaceful of malaysia. meaning peaceful for them is, they safe when they want to walk at the ghost..furthemore, i also tell to them about the weather of malaysia. i think, this is part why they want to come our country.

ok, thank you..i hope you don't feel frustrated if you not selected for this trip...if you selected, i wish congrats..enjoy your trip and the most important is, take care your self...thank you... (",)

tu je la kot sesi aku ngan rese2 nye tak dpt kot coz ade yg lebey hebat..hohoh..takpe2..saje2 dtg interview..

to cik bunga--> kamo send pic tyme kat pD ey?hohho...ngah tdo td..tension jwb tak aci!! adie takde kat situ..huk3...mish u sgt..

Monday, November 9, 2009


skrg aku tak tau nk wat pe...
boring gle...
paper bEt 2543 merangkap enGineering maths 3 aku bley katekan gaGal semuanyer...
blur giler oTak aku..
seJuk beku..
rilex2..bwu abes satu paper...
ade baki 3 ag...
pe ek aku nk katekan...
i really miss her...miss so much...
aku tanak kehilangan dye...
ape yg dah berlaku, aku dah lupekan...
tanak dah pk balek....
i know u really hate me rite...(- -)

tido yg taK leNa


sok pg aku ade paper..
tp ape pun tak prepare..
cam dah tawakal je tuk sok...
nape ek bnde ney tjadi..
aku klau bley nk elak bende2 camneyh berlaku..
tp, apekan daya...aku tak mampu...

aku still teringatkan dye...
rinduku spt dulu thadapmu... (",)

gud nyte...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

skrg ney

finally, otak aku ngah berserabut giler..
problem pe tah yg dtg...
aku pun tak pasti...
mlas aku nk ingat or pk ape2 ag..
aku dah malas....
tak tau nk wat pe skrg..
stDy???hak3....bosan daH ngan stdY...
tak masuk pale otak pon..huhuh...
lantak la....

to all my frenz, gud luck 4 ur paper..
dun wory bout me, im always ok..hoho..


Saturday, November 7, 2009

ntah la

nape kan..
owg yg aku syg kate camtu kat aku...
sowi klau ade salah kat kamo...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


saLam dan selamat pagi

aku skrg tpakse melupakan utk terus beraksi...
coz aku direhatkan selama sebulan...
disebabkan kecederaan ligamen yg tak dpt dielakkan..
harap2 cpt sembuh....
aku tanak gantung stick taon dpn..

to cik buNga:-
kamo noty sgt kot..
sbb tuh tak dpt nk topup..hehehe...
just wanna to say..
mish u so much...