Wednesday, June 24, 2009

taG from maShi...hohoh

selamat pagi...

smlam mashi ade tag aku, so aku nk wat la neyh...siot...ko kene kan aku..hahaha

1)What is the name u like people calling u most?

2)Who is the closest opposite gender friend you got?
...:ramai ar...klau aku sebut satu, nanti yg laen jeles..hahaha:...

3)If a genie wants to grant u a wish,what will the wish be?
...:aku nk laptop coz aku ngah nk cari laptop baru:...

4)What is the most weird activity u've done in ur life?
...:korek idung tyme lecturer ngah ajar kat depan:...

5)What is ur definition of love?
...:love is sayang...suSah nk describe pasal love neyh:...

6)How do u imagine urself 10 years in the future?
...:tyme tuh, aku dah ade 2 anak...dah keje dan mempunyai seorang isteri yg comel..hahaha:...

7)3 words that are best to describe u r...?

dah..aku dah wat...
aku nk tag orang lak...

lucky person tu adalah:...
1. jajan
2. anis mohd
3. syamila
4. ridhi si rumate aku
5. huda


  1. hahaha hampehla ko ni dpn lecturer pn jadik

  2. cehh..
    korek idung ??

    urm .
    anis penah wat tag skali je sbb mls.
    kalo x wat .
    x pe kan ?
    trima kaseh .
    trima kasih gak sbb sudi tag .

  3. 10 thun akn dtg ko botak die..
    sbb slalu kne karen
